7.7 Major update – WPML, multilanguage, better copy – paste

We are happy to introduce the next major update. Let me highlight some new features

WPML and Multilanguage

We added support for WPML for main plugin and premium addons. Check documentation. WPML configuration file is used also for many other multilanguage plugins, for example for Polylang. So, this should work also in Polylang

Improved Copy paste styles

Now, you can copy style from one block and paste it to all kind of blocks limited by specific container.

Inspector Tab Memory

Now, when you select, for example, the Advanced tab in the Container block, then, when you select another container, this will keep the same tab as opened by default. Great if you want to modify similar options across several blocks.

Updated Infobox styles

Now, Infobox has several new predefined designs.

Layout Import with assets

Next few months we will add many new Full page layouts. Now, Greenshift has also option to import global assets related to Full page imported layouts. This will allows you to easily change the color scheme of the page, make different presets, etc

Improved Advanced List

Now, it has better control, the delete button is moved to the toolbar, duplicate button is used to duplicate the current selected item.

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