Performance is one of top priority in Greenshift and we take care of any single line of code. Here you can find comparison with all popular Gutenberg page builders.
We will use service WP Hive which is analyzing all WordPress plugins from repository. Here is our results.
As you see, plugin is faster than 99% but it’s comparing with ALL plugins and not just page builders.
So, let’s compare with Gutenberg page builders.
Comparison between Stackable and Greenshift page builders
Stackable – I think it’s closest plugin to Greenshift in terms of options and architecture.
Greenshift is faster on all pages near 20% and 4 time better in average memory usage
Comparison between Qubely and Greenshift page builders
Qubely is another good page builder and think it’s really underrated. I don’t know why it’s not so popular as other old Gutenberg builders
Very close to Greenshift, but, still, GS is better than Qubely in average 10%
Performance comparison between Greenshift and Kadence Blocks
Kadence Blocks is most popular Gutenberg page builder. Let’s see what we have
And again, better on all pages. And memore usage is better in more than 4 times. Also, faster in 2 times on post creation page
Speed comparison between Greenshift and Spectra
Spectra is Gutenberg plugin from team which has biggest WordPress community and you know about it from ultra popular Astra theme
I am surprised with so high memory usage in Spectra, 12 times more than Greenshift.
Comparison between Getwid and Greenshift
Getwid is not so popular as Spectra but it has long history and 50000 active users, it’s big amount for Gutenberg addons
But Greenshift is still better on all pages and almost 3 times better in memory usage
Comparison with Gutentor and Greenshift
And last one Gutentor
So, finally, we can write that Greenshift has better performance than any popular Gutenberg page builders
Comparison in performance between Elementor and Greenshift
I also decided to test Elementor
Well, it’s not surprising. Greenshift has 9 time less memory usage and 2 times faster on frontpage