Woocommerce has special block for adding filters on site. Unfortunately, it’s not stable, very slow and full of bugs which are not resolving for years. So, we added special block for Classic filter, which uses stable woocommerce widgets under the hood.
There are also few benefits in our block
It doesn’t use heading blocks for titles, so you will have good SEO
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Woocommerce has special block for adding filters on site. Unfortunately, it's not stable, very slow and full of bugs which are not resolving for years. So, we added special block for Classic filter, which uses stable woocommerce widgets under the hood.</p>
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<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>There are also few benefits in our block</p>
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<!-- wp:list {"ordered":true} -->
<ol><!-- wp:list-item -->
<li>It doesn't use heading blocks for titles, so you will have good SEO</li>
<!-- /wp:list-item -->
<!-- wp:list-item -->
<li>It works faster</li>
<!-- /wp:list-item -->
<!-- wp:list-item -->
<li>It supports custom plugins for filters</li>
<!-- /wp:list-item -->
<!-- wp:list-item -->
<li>It's stable</li>
<!-- /wp:list-item -->
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<li>It supports also our <a href="https://greenshiftwp.com/woocommerce-product-swatches/" data-type="post" data-id="2945">Product swatches</a></li>
<!-- /wp:list-item -->
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<li>It has design options so you can change colors and typography</li>
<!-- /wp:list-item --></ol>
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<figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized"><img src="https://greenshiftwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/filters-615x1024.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-3296" width="308" height="512"/></figure>
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