Earn up to 30%
from each sale with
Greenshift referral program
Let’s earn together to shape our future. Promote our products and be a part of our ecosystem.

How long do you keep affiliate cookie

30 days

Do you provide commission for all products?

Yes, it doesn’t matter on which page you send users, all purchases from our site can give you comission

Who will get a commission if the user clicked on different affiliate url

Last link has priority and will get commission.

How much you can earn as an affiliate commission

It’s 20% by default from our profit. In some scenarios, if you provide good traffic, you can ask for private affiliate program and you can get 30%

Which sources are allowed to promote

Currently, we don’t have requirements to your sources, but they must be legal (no spam, hack)

Which page do you need to promote?

Any of our page from shop or our main site. Cookie is saved when user visits any page, even if it’s not page where he makes final order

Do you have brand materials?

Yes, here you can copy logos and some illustrations if you want to build own banners

How can I apply to the affiliate program?

Register on our Shop and visit your Affiliate Area

If you have sources with good traffic or you want to make massive campaign, please, contact us for Private Affiliate conditions more than regular 20% comission

Do you have a minimum for payouts?

Yes, to prevent usage of own affiliate link to get discount, we provide affiliate payments only when you reaches $100