Dynamic Search block

Search block is special block in Greenshit that makes your search on next level. It has several benefits and differs from core search block.

Design customizations

Search block has separate design options for search input, button and form. You can combine them to make unique look.

Dynamic results

Like for Query block, you can build a custom template for dynamic results. To do this, click on the Pencil icon in the Toolbar. Image, title, and excerpt are used in results by default, but you can use any dynamic blocks. For example, if you want to show products, you can use a Price block or cart block.

There is also Search Result design option where you can enable CSS grid in flex option to load results in 3 columns. Example

You can also enable expandable search option and this will disable button from form submitting. Instead of this, it will work as expandable solution. With proper settings, you can build custom expandable search. Example

Also, you can use block with combination with Popup/Sliding panel block. Example

Search block can be used also for regular search with disabled dynamic result option

Find more examples in our Demo. All items from demo can be downloaded from Library

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