Template replacement

Template builder is option in reusable template section which allows you to overwrite pages in Classic themes, like category page, custom post type archives, taxonomy pages, user pages, 404 page, etc

You can overwrite definite item (for example, template of specific category) or global item (for example, all category pages).

With help of query loop patterns blocks, listing builder you can make unique pages with listings.

It’s easy to work with this option.

  1. create New Reusable template.
  2. In Template replacement, select which template you want to overwrite.
  3. If you want to overwrite all pages from selected item, don’t select single values. For example, if you want to overwrite all category pages, select “Taxonomy”, select “Category” and leave blank Include, Exclude

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<p>Template builder is option in reusable template section which allows you to overwrite pages in Classic themes, like category page, custom post type archives, taxonomy pages, user pages, 404 page, etc</p>
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<p>You can overwrite definite item (for example, template of specific category) or global item (for example, all category pages).</p>
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<p>With help of <a href="https://greenshiftwp.com/query-patterns/" data-type="post" data-id="1277">query loop patterns</a> blocks, <a href="https://greenshiftwp.com/advanced-listing-builder/" data-type="post" data-id="663">listing builder</a> you can make unique pages with listings.</p>
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<p>It's easy to work with this option. </p>
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<ol><li>create <strong>New Reusable</strong> template.</li><li>In Template replacement, select which template you want to overwrite.</li><li>If you want to overwrite all pages from selected item, don't select single values. For example, if you want to overwrite all category pages, select "Taxonomy", select "Category" and leave blank Include, Exclude</li></ol>
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