Integration with Filter plugins

Greenshift has several own filter options for query builder block but in case when you need something more advanced, we have support for a few Filter plugins

Jet Smart Filter support for Greenshift

Get plugin

Plugin has good documentation and it’s very intuitive to work, but let me show just few steps for proper setup and integration with Greenshift block

First step is to add Filters in Filters – Add new. Here, you can add any kind of settings.

Second step is to connect filters to Greenshift Query Builder. For this, put one of JSF blocks on page and select Greenshift Query Loop as Destination

And that’s all. It will be connected automatically with all query builders on page.

What if you want to connect it with specific block. For this, in Query Builder block, copy ID

Now, put this ID also to class of block. You can do this in Advanced – Advanced – Additional classes. And put the same ID to Query ID parameter in filter block

Additionally, we made few styles for Filters. You need to copy this block to your site and put filters inside. You can copy block on gist

Also here is block for Active filters

Filter Everything PRO

Get plugin

The connection between Query Builder and this plugin is very simple. Just put Query builder on any page where you plan to use filters from plugin and save it. Now, when you create filters, you can select a page for Filter results, if the page has Query builder, you can select it in “What to filter” option
