Breadcrumbs block

Home / Query Addon / Breadcrumbs block

This block allows to add breadcrumbs to any post type. It supports page-sub page hierarchy and also categories-sub categories.

Block has wide range of design options and you can set typography, colors, backgrounds, and borders for each element

Copy this post’s content
<!-- wp:greenshift-blocks/breadcrumbs {"id":"gsbp-fc23c77f-a2ec","inlineCssStyles":null} /-->

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>This block allows to add breadcrumbs to any post type. It supports page-sub page hierarchy and also categories-sub categories. </p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Block has wide range of design options and you can set typography, colors, backgrounds, and borders for each element</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:greenshift-blocks/image {"id":"gsbp-96a9f998-cd90","width":["300px",null,null,null],"originalWidth":580,"originalHeight":1352,"mediaurl":"","mediaid":4235,"alt":""} -->
<div class="wp-block-greenshift-blocks-image gspb_image gspb_image-id-gsbp-96a9f998-cd90" id="gspb_image-id-gsbp-96a9f998-cd90"><img src="" data-src="" alt="" width="300px" height="1352"/></div>
<!-- /wp:greenshift-blocks/image -->