6.7 Update – ACPT integration, Ken Burns for the slider, Dynamic labels

We are glad to introduce the next major update with many tasty features. There are many improvements under the hood but we want to point out some most interesting

ACPT integration

ACPT is a great rising star for dynamic sites that are heavily related to custom data and custom post types. And now, we are working in collaboration with the developer to give you the best integration with Greenshift.

Currently, we provide beta license for all buyers of our AIO and Woocommerce plans. This license will work for 4 months, you can test the plugin, and give us information about better integration with Greenshift dynamic features. After this period we will replace license terms. Highly likely that our Top All in One plan will include 1 site lifetime license. Also, you will be able to buy a Greenshift extension pack separately which will include ACPT and other plugins for dynamic sites with a good discount.

You can download the beta license in your account on shop.greenshiftwp.com

Ken Burns Quick Effect for Slider block

ken Burns is a very popular effect for sliders. It’s smooth slow zoom on each image background. It was invented many years ago, but still very popular because it isn’t annoying and it adds some interactions to static images. It was possible to make it early but with many additional settings. Now, it’s one-click solution. Just enable it in Parent slider and it will be automatically enabled on all Slide’s images.

We also added ready full-height slider template with many features: custom configurable slide effect, ken burns, text animations for each slide, custom controllers as scrollable text tabs

Smart Scroll is improved

Now you can configure the design of scrollbars in this feature: color, size, track color, etc. You can even make scrollbars invisible

Dynamic Label Placeholders

Now, when you use the Advanced button block, you can update only part of the label to be dynamic. For this, use the word {DYNAMIC}. It’s very useful, for example, in cases when you want to show the price on the button. Like “Buy this item for $399.99”.

Dynamic Video was improved

Now, you don’t need to set a placeholder video to make it work. If the video field is empty, then, the video box will be not rendered on the site

Custom Icon transitions for Buttons and Add to cart blocks

Button effects are now even better. This video shows how you can add sexy customizable effects with just a few clicks. This works for Button block and Add to cart block from Woocommerce addon

Image fallback for Dynamic Image block

Now you can add a custom image as a fallback. If the post has no featured image, then this image will be rendered on front end.

Previously you could have only the Post permalink as the URL of titles, now you can set custom sources for them

Previously it was available via Repeater block, but it’s not always practical. For example, you want to attach related Products in your posts and users can buy them directly from posts. Repeater builder can’t be used because it has no Woocommerce Add to cart block. But now, you can use Query Builder with the support of all woocommerce blocks.

Supported format of related items are: Ids divided by commas or array of ids.

Breaking change: Container block and API 3

Recently, WordPress made an update and now blocks can have an API 3 version. The benefit of this? If all your blocks have API 3, then, your editor will be iframed. It’s not a big deal now, but this can have a big effect in future updates.

if everything is fine, you will not see a difference in Container block, but if you see bugs, please, let us know.

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<p>We are glad to introduce the next major update with many tasty features. There are many improvements under the hood but we want to point out some most interesting</p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="acpt-integration">ACPT integration</h2>
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<p><a href="https://acpt.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ACPT</a> is a great rising star for dynamic sites that are heavily related to custom data and custom post types. And now, we are working in collaboration with the developer to give you the best integration with Greenshift.</p>
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<p>Currently, we provide beta license for all buyers of our AIO and Woocommerce plans. This license will work for 4 months, you can test the plugin, and give us information about better integration with Greenshift dynamic features. After this period we will replace license terms. Highly likely that our Top All in One plan will include 1 site lifetime license. Also, you will be able to buy a Greenshift extension pack separately which will include ACPT and other plugins for dynamic sites with a good discount. </p>
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<p>You can download the beta license in your account on shop.greenshiftwp.com</p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="ken-burns-quick-effect-for-slider-block">Ken Burns Quick Effect for Slider block</h2>
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<p>ken Burns is a very popular effect for sliders. It's smooth slow zoom on each image background. It was invented many years ago, but still very popular because it isn't annoying and it adds some interactions to static images. It was possible to make it early but with many additional settings. Now, it's one-click solution. Just enable it in Parent slider and it will be automatically enabled on all Slide's images.</p>
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<p>We also added ready full-height slider template with many features: custom configurable slide effect, ken burns, text animations for each slide, custom controllers as scrollable text tabs</p>
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<!-- wp:video {"id":3416} -->
<figure class="wp-block-video"><video controls src="https://greenshiftwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/kenburns.mp4"></video></figure>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="smart-scroll-is-improved">Smart Scroll is improved</h2>
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<p>Now you can configure the design of scrollbars in this feature: color, size, track color, etc. You can even make scrollbars invisible</p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="dynamic-label-placeholders">Dynamic Label Placeholders</h2>
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<p>Now, when you use the Advanced button block, you can update only part of the label to be dynamic. For this, use the word {DYNAMIC}. It's very useful, for example, in cases when you want to show the price on the button. Like "Buy this item for $399.99". </p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="dynamic-video-was-improved">Dynamic Video was improved</h2>
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<p>Now, you don't need to set a placeholder video to make it work. If the video field is empty, then, the video box will be not rendered on the site</p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="custom-icon-transitions-for-buttons-and-add-to-cart-blocks">Custom Icon transitions for Buttons and Add to cart blocks</h2>
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<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Button effects are now even better. This video shows how you can add sexy customizable effects with just a few clicks. This works for Button block and Add to cart block from Woocommerce addon</p>
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<!-- wp:greenshift-blocks/video {"id":"gsbp-ab9af586-ca46","src":"https://youtu.be/LQwjrywJtbs","provider":"youtube","poster":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LQwjrywJtbs/hqdefault.jpg","isOverlay":true,"overlayOpacity":0.2,"overlayIcon":true,"postDate":"2023-09-06T13:07:10","bgColor":"#000001"} -->
<div class="wp-block-greenshift-blocks-video gs-video youtube gspb_video-id-gsbp-ab9af586-ca46" id="gs-video-gsbp-ab9af586-ca46"><div class="gs-video-wrapper" itemscope><iframe class="gs-video-element" data-src="https://youtu.be/LQwjrywJtbs" data-provider="youtube" data-autoplay="true" data-playsinline="false" data-controls="true" data-loop="false" data-mute="false" data-overlay="true" data-lightbox="false" data-modestbranding="false" data-suggested="true" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><div class="gs-video-overlay" style="background-image:url(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LQwjrywJtbs/hqdefault.jpg)" data-type="youtube" data-lightbox="false"><div class="gs-play-icon" style="background-color:#cc0000"><div style="content:"";display:block;position:absolute;border-radius:50%;border:1px solid #cc0000;left:-20px;right:-20px;bottom:-20px;top:-20px;animation:pulsevideobutton 1.5s linear infinite;opacity:0"></div><span></span><div style="content:"";display:block;position:absolute;border-radius:50%;border:1px solid #cc0000;left:-20px;right:-20px;bottom:-20px;top:-20px;animation:pulsevideobutton 1.5s linear infinite;opacity:0;animation-delay:0.5s"></div></div><div class="gs-overlay-color" style="background-color:#000001;background-image:;opacity:0.2"></div></div></div></div>
<!-- /wp:greenshift-blocks/video -->

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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="image-fallback-for-dynamic-image-block">Image fallback for Dynamic Image block</h2>
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<p>Now you can add a custom image as a fallback. If the post has no featured image, then this image will be rendered on front end. </p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="dynamic-title-and-dynamic-image-have-option-to-set-custom-link">Custom link for Dynamic title and image</h2>
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<p>Previously you could have only the Post permalink as the URL of titles, now you can set custom sources for them</p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="related-ids-as-source-for-query-builder">Related Ids as source for Query Builder</h2>
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<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Previously it was available via Repeater block, but it's not always practical. For example, you want to attach related Products in your posts and users can buy them directly from posts. Repeater builder can't be used because it has no Woocommerce Add to cart block. But now, you can use Query Builder with the support of all woocommerce blocks. </p>
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<p>Supported format of related items are: Ids divided by commas or array of ids. </p>
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<h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="breaking-change-container-block-and-api-3">Breaking change: Container block and API 3</h2>
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<p>Recently, WordPress made an update and now blocks can have an API 3 version. The benefit of this? If all your blocks have API 3, then, your editor will be iframed. It's not a big deal now, but this can have a big effect in future updates. </p>
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<p>if everything is fine, you will not see a difference in Container block, but if you see bugs, please, let us know.</p>
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