3d flipbox variation

Do you want to make something interesting instead of boring banners? Try our new 3d flipbox. It’s not static block, you can add anything inside each side and it will work.

GreenShift – Page-Building Gutenberg BlocksBuild complex layouts easily
Advanced AnimationsMake animations easily directly in editor, you don’t need to have any code skills
GreenShift – Layout Post Gutenberg BlocksBuild post layouts easily
Advanced LayoutsMake layouts easily directly in editor, you don’t need to have any code skills
GreenShift – Animation Gutenberg BlocksBuild animations easily
Advanced LayoutsMake layouts easily directly in editor, you don’t need to have any code skills
GreenShift – Dynamic Gutenberg BlocksBuild queries easily
Advanced QueriesMake queries easily directly in editor, you don’t need to have any code skills

You can change also direction of flipping and 3d effect of inner items

Use any blocks inside flipboxBuild complex layouts easily

What are you waiting for?

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